Alcohol Spell Addiction that works
Mamaprofroy 's drug spell is trusted recommended used to represent the Effective powerful healings and approve. A drug can be described as any substance that is capable of altering the body’s functions either psychologically or physically when taken into the body. Drugs can sometimes be categorized as soft, hard, legal, illegal, and psychoactive. For example, psychoactive drugs are those drugs that alter your behaviors, feelings, and perceptions.
They work by altering a chemical reaction in the brain, thereby affect feelings, behaviors, and thought.
Many of these drugs cause different types of dependence that have adverse effects on the users. These effects are evidenced by today’s visible results in the society such as tolerance, violence, crime, withdrawal symptoms, untimely death, and much more.
This content will discuss mainly on different types of psychoactive drugs, their effects on brain, users, as well as the problem causing in the society at large. Before we proceed, let’s quickly have a glance at psychoactive drugs and their categories.
-What are Psychoactive Drugs?
Psychoactive drugs are those drugs that influence the central nervous system and change a person’s behavior, mood, and thinking. In a normal sense, psychoactive drugs are usually used to balance the body in a view to escape from life’s dealings which often result in cravings for more and producing withdrawal symptoms. They can be divided into various categories. They are:
-The Stimulants
These are categories of drugs that increase the brain activity to enhance the state of the body’s arousal. Examples are nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine, ecstasy, and methylphenidate.
Depressants: Theses are categories of drugs that impede the activity of the central nervous system to lower body alertness. They have the ability to produce sluggishness and lethargic behaviors. Examples of depressants are alcohol, heroin, flunitrazepam, methaqualone, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, GHB, and analgesics.
-The Hallucinogens
These are other categories of psychoactive drugs that alter feelings, perceptions, and can result in hallucinations such as hearing or seeing imaginary things. Examples of hallucinogens are psilocybin known as magic mushrooms, LSD, ketamine, mescaline (or peyote, and PCP angel dust.
-The Others
Some other psychoactive drugs are found in other categories such as a combination of two or more categories discussed above. An example of this category is cannabis which has the combination of stimulant, depressive, and hallucinogenic properties.
-Different Types of Drugs
Having categorized the psychoactive drugs, below are the common types of drugs that have effects on brain, personality, and can affect the users in many ways:
-Amphetamines and much more
These different types of drugs will be discussed in-depth one after the other to know their effects on the brain and body.
The Cocaine
Cocaine is a stimulant type of psychoactive drug that affects the central nervous system by boosting the brain activity to reduce fatigue and increase alertness. It is made from coca plant leaves which usually grown in South America region. Coca plant is naturally harmless and useful, but when it is refined into cocaine, it can result in serious responses that can be catastrophic.
Cocaine is known to cause high blood pressure as well as rapid heart rate which can be sometimes deadly. It is commonly come in fine powder form and usually inhaled or sniffed through the nose. Cocaine is highly stimulated and can lead to talkativeness, euphoria, and excess of energy.
Continuous involvement in cocaine consumption generates many effects that lead to addiction. The body becomes tolerance to this drug and more and more are needed to reach the usual level of “high” as the users must continue taking more every time to obtain the equivalent levels to feel its effects. As a result of this dependence, the brain finds it difficult to function in this new level without it.
-The Effects of Cocaine
Cocaine acts directly on one of the brain chemicals called “dopamine,” a chemical referred to as “feel good” chemical, and it is responsible for the feeling of euphoria and happiness. Cocaine effects do not last long unless taking in a significant amount. However, when it is addicted, the users usually take it in large amount to reach the same levels of high to maintain the feelings.
Below are the short-term and long-term effects of cocaine:
-Short-term Effects
-Sense of overconfidence with exaggerated energy
-Increase blood pressure
-Rapid heart pulse rate
-Suspiciousness, anxiety, and irritability
-High body temperature
-Enlarged pupils
-A headache
-Loss of appetite
-Increased alertness
-Abdominal cramping
-Stroke and heart attack if taken in excess
-Long-term Effects
-Tolerance and addiction
-Psychosis periods
-Feelings of emotional disturbances
-Violent or aggressive behaviors
-Weight loss due to malnutrition and loss of appetite
-Loss of immunity other Related Effects
Apart from all these effects, there are also harmful effects which have been connected to the method of use of cocaine. For example, snorting can cause severe damage to the membrane of the fragile mucous in the nasal passages by producing sores and burns on the internal membranes of the nose.
Cocaine injection has also been associated with blocked blood vessels that can lead to significant damage to the organs of the body, blood poisoning, bacterial infections, inflamed abscesses and blood vessels which may harm the heart valves, causing vein collapse, injuries at the point of injection, and much more.
-The Effects of Cocaine on the Brain
Cocaine has been researched to cause brain damage, especially when it is abused. It affects the structures of the brain by causing the release of a brain chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for controlling feelings of happiness and pleasure leading to euphoria feelings known as high.
However, the effects of cocaine can only be felt for about 15 – 20 minutes and the high wears off; after then, the user starts craving for more. This leads to abuse and can cause much other lasting damage to the body and society. Cocaine addict can cause other brain-related disorders such as depression, psychosis, anxiety, bipolar, paranoia, and other mental problems.
-The Social Effects of Cocaine
Surrounding family and friends of the cocaine addict tend to suffer any consequences arising from their loved one under the influence of cocaine. Below are the symptoms and effects on the surrounding family:
-The Swift anger outburst
The family and friends of a cocaine addict experience sudden angry outburst from the user. A cocaine user displays antisocial behaviors, paranoia or anxiety which easily results in a poor anger management, subjecting the family and friends to sudden anger outburst unannounced.
-The Hostility from spouse or family
As a result of cocaine addiction, a married couple may face disaffection which may lead to divorce based on the degree of destruction. An addiction to cocaine can lead to spouse or family mistreatment and avoidance due to health risks and other related problems resulting in total relationship breakdown.
-The Work and financial problems
Apart from its physical and medical symptoms, the use of cocaine has been studied to cause a massive set setback to professional workers as they cannot function effectively at work. The family also suffers from this financial problem as the user leaves expensive habit and affecting the family budget. Cocaine addiction systematically affects the performance of the user’s work such as absenteeism, mistakes, and may lead to loss of employment. In this case, if the victim happens to be the family’s breadwinner, the dependents tend to suffer much.
-The Adverse effect on the children
Children are expected to be raised in a caring, and warm environment as whatever they learn at this stage has effects on their future and the society as a whole. However, living with a family member or parent who is struggling with cocaine addiction may have an adverse effect on the children. They may be subjected to abuse verbally, mentally, or physically from the cocaine user. Some may even be convinced that it is a real way of living life. Apart from children, other family members may also be inflicted to regret, shame, disgrace, embarrassment, guilt for not be able to curtail their family member from deteriorating to that level of destruction.
-The Heroin
Heroin is a depressant type of psychoactive drugs that influence the central nervous system of the body such as heart and breathing rate by impeding the activities of the particular neurotransmitters or brain chemicals. It is a deadly and addictive drug made from poppy plant resin.
The process involves refining opium taken from poppy plants into morphine and further refined into heroin. It is usually refined into brown or white powder as well as a sticky tar-like substance which can be taken in various ways such as sniffing, injection, or smoking.
Heroin can also be cut with poisons, sugar or powder milk, and hides as ingredients in many drugs and powder. Heroin injection has the higher rate of “high” compared to snorting and smoking. Heroin users commonly experience “rush” when the drug is taken and this result in a euphoric sensation.
-The experience is quicker when injected as the user feels it immediately.
The craving for more to achieve the usual level of high makes the body addicted to it, and withdrawal symptoms become severe if the user does not take it.
-The Effects of Heroin
The effects of heroin are varied in the individual and range from a high degree of dependence, valves, heart lining infection, pneumonia, abscesses, collapsed veins, fatal overdose and much more. However, heroin consumption has both short-term and long-term effects, and they are as follows:
-The Short-term Effects of Heroin
Short-term effects include those effects that happen immediately heroin is taken, and they are:
Dry mouth
Warm skin flush
Ultimate feeling of heaviness
Slow breathing and heart rate
Muscular weakness
Long-term Effects of Heroin
Long-term effects of heroin are long-lasting effects of heroin use, and they are:
Drug dependence and tolerance
Gums inflammation and bad teeth
Respiratory illnesses
Women menstrual weakness
Sexual dissatisfaction in both men and women due to inability to achieve orgasm
Loss of sexual capacity in men which can lead to long-term impotence
Partial paralysis
Cold sweats
Loss of appetite
Acne on the face
Other Related Effects
However, there are also treacherous effects associated with the way heroin is used. Injecting, which is the most dangerous can lead to blocked blood vessels and cause serious damage to the organs of the body, blood poisoning, abscesses, bacterial infections, and cause blood vessels inflammation.
Snoring can also affect the membrane of the fragile mucous in the nasal passages, leading to the membranes burns and sores.
It has been studied that those people who use heroin or addicted to heroin also take other drugs with it. However, heroin has been stated to be harmful to the health; taking heroin with other drugs such as benzodiazepines, alcohol, or other depressants can boost the chances of harmful effects on the heart, subjecting the heart to sudden failure.
-The Effects of Heroin on the Brain
Heroin is acknowledged to cause an alteration in the brain chemistry and performance. Continuous abuse of heroin leads to medial temporal lobe damage which causes rapid brain aging.
Chronic use of heroin causes severe damage to the brain by affecting cognitive functions, causing anti-social personality disorder, irrational thinking, and depression.
It achieves all these damages by tampering the brain region called prefrontal cortex which is directly involved in judgment, logical thinking, impulse control, planning, and other related functions. Damaging the prefrontal cortex impairs the user’s cognitive ability to control his or her impulses and reason irrationally based o his or her judgments.
Effects of heroin abuse on the medial temporal lobe and PFC increase the rate of brain aging process and cause cognitive skills deficits such as pattern recognition, verbal fluency as well as inability to regulate and shift focus from a particular task to another.
Due to their impaired brains, heroin users are characterized by clouded thinking which incapacitates them to handle tasks that are challenging and required high-level of thinking.
-The Social Effects of Heroin
There are many devastating social effects of heroin abuse which can impede smooth relationships with friends and related associates as well as the society as a whole. Some of these problems range from child abuse, loss of friendships, financial problems, a broken marriage, domestic violence, and loss of a child. Below are some of the leading social impacts associated with the use of heroin
-The Transmission of sexual diseases
Use of unsterilized and sharing of needles to inject heroin expose the users to the risk of sexually transmitted diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, and as well spread the diseases to sexual partners and related members as applicable.
-The Broken relationships
When a member of the family is eroding with heroin, friendships, marriages, family bonds can break down due to user’s ability to maintain disciplines and control his or herself. The mood change and harmful behaviors exhibited by the heroin user subject the family and friends to physical and emotional distress which make them discontinue their relationships with the users.
-The Financial issues
Heroin addicts always struggle with finances as their incomes cannot withstand their craving for heroin thereby making their family and dependants experience low budget for their upkeep.
-The Unemployment
Heroin users are at the risk of jeopardizing their chance of getting a job for a living, as many of the employers out there are in the habit of subjecting their intending employees to a drug test prior hiring them.
A professional worker who uses heroin also performs below average in discharging his or her assigned duties and affects the overall output. A heroin addict may suffer setbacks at work through the following:
-Disciplinary problems
-Low productivity
-Frequent late coming
-Using business hour to high
-Get fired.
-The Crack is a subset of cocaine.
It is the name of cocaine formation that is refined with the addition of ammonia or baking soda to make more potent and rock formations that can be smoked. Crack finds its popularity due to its pleasure to drug users looking for a fast stimulant, ultra-potent, and inexpensive drug.
The name crack was generated from cracking sound produced by a smoked and heated rock. Crack cocaine usually occurs in yellow, pink, or white color based on the addition of any form of contaminants and different methods of production.
Crack cocaine is a potent stimulant that can bring out rapid and euphoric high. It affects the body by accelerating various physical and mental processes, aimed to enhance focus, attentiveness, and boosts energy. There are various ways of taking crack cocaine namely; smoking, snorting, and injection.
It is commonly smoked through a water pipe or hand pipe, and its effects are immediate and more intense as it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream from the lungs to travel faster throughout the whole body and brain.
Injecting and snorting method of use is less common. A combination of crack cocaine with marijuana, heroin, and other psychoactive drugs has been reported to create more severe effects in addition to crack cocaine effects. Cocaine is highly stimulated; however, crack is the riskiest and dangerous form of stimulant substance. Other street names of crack cocaine are jelly beans, rocks, dice, nuggets, cookies, gravel, piece, and base.
-The Effects of Crack Cocaine
Use of crack cocaine has both short-term and long-term effects as well as impacts on the brain. The following are the short-term and long-term effects:
Short-term Effects
When the vapors of crack cocaine are inhaled into the lung, the effects are felt immediately and last for about 5 – 15 minutes. When the feelings subside, the users start craving for more, and this can result in dependence after their initial hit. Below are the most common short-term effects but can vary from one person to another:
-Dilated pupils
-Increased heart rate
-Intense euphoria
-Inhibited blood vessels of the peripheral
-Increased blood pressure
-Reduction in appetite
-Paranoia and anxiety
-Intense craving for more
-Aggressive behavior
-Sudden death – only one use or overdose can cause death
-Long-term Effects
-The Continuous abuse of crack cocaine can result in many long-lasting effects, and they are as listed below:
-Addiction and tolerance
-Severe depression
-Brain seizures
-Psychosis or delirium
-Mood disturbance and irritability
-Touch and auditory hallucinations
-Men and women sexual dysfunction as well as reproductive damage
-Paranoid behaviors
-Respiration failure
-Infertility in both men and women
-TheCrack Cocaine’s Effects on the Brain
Crack cocaine affects the brain by stimulating the central nervous system and interferes with the neurotransmitter in the brain; causing an excess amount of the brain chemical called “dopamine.” This brain chemical is responsible for feelings of movement and pleasure, and when crack cocaine alters it, the psychological effects can be amplified. The user’s rapid craving for crack cocaine alters the brain chemistry’s reward system and impedes the optimal function of the cognitive faculty.
-The Social Effects of Crack Cocaine
Crack cocaine use not only affects the user, but family and friends are also at risk in one way or the other. These effects are ranging from violence, abuse, crime, accidents, unplanned pregnancy, promiscuity, financial, divorce, and much more.
The governments at different levels spend a huge sum of amount every year on drug regulation and control through prevention, prosecution, treatments, and prisons. Crack cocaine and other drug-related health care system are costing government billions of dollars every year just to mention but a few.
Below are some of the social effects of crack cocaine as they are related to family, friends and the society at large:
-The Domestic violence
The stability of the household is at stake in a family where someone is struggling with crack cocaine use as the users become more violent and prone to anger now and then. The immediate family, children, and spouses become the focus of rage when withdrawal symptoms set in or during a crack binge.
-The Financial issues
The family suffers financial problems as crack user spending on crack cocaine to satisfy his or her urge for the drug; thereby affecting the family budget. In this case, if the crack cocaine user happens to be the breadwinner of the family without anyone to support him or her, the dependents tend to suffer much.
-The Babies born addicted
Studies have shown that more than ten thousand babies are born in the U.S every year that has been subjected to crack cocaine in the womb. These babies may be delivered prematurely as well as being at risk of some withdrawal symptoms upon birth.
Apart from being at risk of crack cocaine abuse from their parents or caregivers, these affected children are also exposed to other problems such as congenital disabilities, mental retardation, high rate of premature death in their first month after birth, brain damage, and other related problems.
-The Lack of adequate care
The children of crack cocaine addicts lack proper care especially if the user is a woman. The children are forced to be placed under a foster care, and this has over the time contributed to home environments dysfunctions.
-The Loss of employment
Crack cocaine addicts usually suffer job loss as their acts cost the employers occupational accident, loss of resources and power. They are characterized by absenteeism, loss of efficiency, lateness to work, domestic violence, mistakes, and much more. These made them get sacked after a lot of queries and warnings.
Out of many psychoactive drugs to be discussed, this paper has covered only three namely; cocaine, heroin, and crack cocaine. All these drugs have been shown to have short-term and long-term effects as well as having a huge influence on the neurotransmitters in the brain which affect the brain function leading to many brain disorders.
Family and society as a whole also suffer from this careless life of the addicts. However, there is much available support and treatment to help the abuser and addicts; tapping into the opportunity will go a long way in putting our society and the generation to come on a right path.
-Are there any spells to make someone stop drinking?
Well, since alcoholism is an illness, this situation might be an exception from free will rule, as we do not have to ask for permission from people who are physically or mentally ill to send loving healing energy to them. The spell is just focused energy, you can look for healing spells online, or just visualize your friend healthy, vibrant, free from addiction, surround him with light and rainbow healing colors etc. Do not use terms ‘stop drinking”, think in positive constructs like good health, freedom, stability, cleansing etc.
Addictions are illnesses but there are a few tidbits of lore that associates certain minerals attributes to drinking or the function of drinking for magical effect.
-The Alcoholism and Herbal Remedies
Alcoholism, which is also commonly defined as alcohol dependence or addiction, is a chronic disease with very serious and even fatal consequences. Nowadays, alcoholism does not have borders or limits, equally affecting people in many countries around the world. In the USA, it is said to be the third major killer of people (following heart diseases and cancer.
-The Alcoholism usually starts with alcohol abuse
when a person drinks too much or too often. As time goes by this person may develop a dependency on alcohol. It may take about 5 – 25 years for a middle-aged person to become alcoholic, but for young people, this term may be as short as a few months.
Alcohol dependence is more serious condition than alcohol abuse. A person becomes fully dependant on the daily consumption of alcohol beverages. The habit turns into the strong necessity to drink in order to avoid the physical and psychological symptoms of withdrawal. With time tolerance develops and a person has to consume increasing quantities of alcohol to satisfy the cravings. Finally, an alcoholic person loses all the control over drinking.
-The Symptoms
The key symptoms of alcoholism are the inability of a person to control or limit his alcohol consumption and his denial of the fact that many of his problems with health, family or at work are caused by his abuse of alcohol. Even when the consequences of drinking are obvious, an alcoholic will blame some other factors or people in his problems but he will never assume that alcohol is the cause.
Increased tolerance to alcohol is another symptom of alcoholism. A person has to consume larger amounts of alcohol in order to feel its effect. Very often it represents itself in ordering double drinks and gulping them.
Alcohol-dependent people typically drink in order to relieve some pain or anxiety, but they do not usually remember what happened while they were drinking. This is sometimes referred to as blacking out.
People who are addicted to alcohol experience severe withdrawal symptoms once they stop drinking on a regular basis. Sweating, insomnia, anxiety, impaired concentration, increased heart rate, nausea, vomiting, and tremors are commonly associated with alcohol withdrawal.
-The Causes
Alcoholism is considered to be an inherited health disorder. Scientists found that children, whose parents suffered from alcoholism, are in significantly greater risks to develop the same disorder in comparison to children with non-alcohol-dependant parents.
Emotional state and psychological factors may also lead a person to alcoholism. For example, people with depression, increased anxiety or after experiencing some stressful events, or those with the low self-esteem may start drinking to solve their problems. Besides, certain social and cultural factors may contribute to the promotion of alcoholism. For example, regularly drinking close friends, or films, books and advertising, which depict drinking alcohol as the part of
men image may also push a person toward drinking.
In fact, there are no specific and defined causes of alcoholism, like virus or infection. The progression of the disorder is based on the way the alcohol influences the human organism. Alcohol changes the balance of certain chemicals in the brains, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamate dopamine.
That is why, drinking may result in certain relief of physical or emotional pain, reduce anxiety or cause pleasurable feelings. Regular drinking makes a human body addicted to alcohol consumption just like nicotine or narcotics use. With time a person starts to crave for alcohol in order to restore the good state of mood, relieve pain or avoid negative feelings.
-The Medical Approaches
Since alcoholism is rather a mental disorder, it is mainly treated through psychological support and counseling. Alcoholics Anonymous is the organization, which offers an effective model of treating and supporting people, recovering from alcoholism.
Of course, some medications are also used to treat a person, who is dependant on the alcohol, especially on the stage of detoxification. Sedatives and antidepressants are commonly used to relieve withdrawal symptoms.
There are also certain specific medications, designed to treat alcoholism. For example, Disulfiram Antabuse may be prescribed to cause highly unpleasant symptoms, such as vomiting and rapid pulse, once the alcohol is consumed by a patient. Naltrexone is also used to reduce the desire for alcohol during the first 2 months of recovery.
-The Alternative Approaches
Along with the traditional therapy of alcoholism, there is also an alternative way to fight this disorder. For over 1000 years African medicine has been offering its own recipes of different herbal preparations to treat alcoholism.
Herbal treatment of alcohol dependence aims at fulfilling several tasks, such as to help a person avoid alcohol and reduce his desire to drink, detoxify the body and eliminate all the toxins, accumulated in the result of regular alcohol consumption; and, finally, to recover the body organs, mainly liver, damaged by alcohol.
Milk thistle is another mighty herb, promoted by the Mamaprofroy's medicine as a remedy against alcoholism. In fact, milk thistle works as a protection of liver against harmful toxins, produced by alcohol. It prevents damage of the liver cells and can even promote liver regeneration.
The curative features of milk thistle were studied and documented by German researchers. During clinical studies, milk thistle was shown to reduce abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea and loss of appetite – symptoms common for liver disorders, caused by alcohol abuse.
Reishi may also bring certain health benefits for people, recovering from alcoholism. Though it is effective only for those people, who have not yet experienced a severe damage to liver function.
Finally, one should always keep in mind some of the rules, concerning the herbal treatment of alcoholism. First of all, one should avoid all types of alcohol. Even the above-mentioned herbs should not be taken in the form of tinctures, based on alcohol. Teas or capsules are the preferred form of herbs to be taken for alcoholism treatment.
Furthermore, a person, recovering from alcoholism, should pay special attention to his nutrition. The well-balanced diet with the sufficient supply of green, yellow and orange vegetables is necessary to ease the complications of alcoholism and reduce cravings.
Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of black currant oil, evening primrose oil or flaxseed oil are recommended to reduce depression. Taking zinc daily "30 mg per day" improves the ability of the stomach to process alcohol and eliminate all the toxins out of the human organism.
-How To Deal With Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol can be the cause of a lot of good times, but it can also be the cause of a lot of pain for many people. Research suggests that alcoholism affects anywhere from 20 to 40 million people at any given time. The effects of having too much to drink can be absolutely devastating to one’s life. If you are currently suffering, here are a few tips on how to deal with alcohol addiction.
-How to Recognize There is a Problem
The first thing that you need to realize is that an alcohol addiction is extremely dangerous. Alcoholism is considered by many experts to be a drug addiction. With every drink, you are slowly killing your body and brain cells. There are extreme adverse health effects that you may be putting on yourself. So, the first step is to recognize that there is a real problem.
-How to Talk To Someone About It
The next thing that you should do is to talk to someone about it. If you are concerned with how to deal with alcohol addiction, then you should not be facing this problem alone. Try to talk to someone that is close to you – possibly a friend or a relative.
Tell them that you realize that you have a problem and that you need help. Often times people have alcohol addictions because they do not want to face other problems in their life. It may help you to clear your mind by venting to someone who wants to listen to you.
-How to Get Treatment
Eventually, you may want to take steps to find an alcohol addiction treatment center. It may be to your advantage to find a treatment center where you can live during treatment. This will help you in many ways. You may be able to be provided with a medication that can help ease withdrawal symptoms. You will also most likely be monitored for any medical problems that you might encounter during recovery.
It can be hard to know how to deal with alcohol addiction. But the most important step is the first one – recognizing that there is a problem and beginning the healing process. World Famous Best powerful healer Mamaprofroy's in Africa-Mamaprofroy
Free yourself from all the miseries with the help of Powerful Alcoholism spell caster healer Mamaprofroy's healings services by Mamaprofroy.
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